Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Welcome to the Sheridan Lutheran Blog! Why start a blog? Should we do it just because it seems to be the thing that everyone is doing? Of course we thought there was a better reason… Here at Sheridan, we like to tell stories. And what better way to tell and retell stories of our faith community than here, on a blog, written down where it can be passed from family to family and looked back on for future generations. Our hope is that all ministries will have a voice. From people experiencing Mission trips to those who helped found our Sheridan roots… from highlights in our Children's Ministry to moments from our Local Outreach partners.  If you have a passion for a Sheridan ministry and think you have a story to tell, contact one of the pastors. Feel free to subscribe to the news feed, share it with your friends on facebook or twitter, leave a comment here and submit ideas. Help us tell the story of Sheridan's great desire to LOVE Deeply, GROW Spiritually and SHARE Abundantly.

1 comment:

  1. Since the theme seems to be about family stories-- there is an excellent book called "Black Sheep and Kissing Cousins: How our family stories shape us" which I read some time ago (copyright 1988) but is still good and will show you how your family stories help to shape those in your family. It was written by Elizabeth Stone who researched more than 100 families. A little more intellectual than some may like but some good "stuff" in it even if you just skim some of it. Julie Johnson
