Monday, April 8, 2013

Sheridan's Memorial Labyrinth

The newest addition to Sheridan’s campus is the Memorial Labyrinth was added in early winter. Located west of the 70th street parking lot entrance, this labyrinth has been made possible by memorial funds and special gifts.  Landscaping around the labyrinth will be completed later this spring. A labyrinth is a pathway that assists people in centering themselves, finding balance and wholeness and connecting to the Divine.  This ancient prayer tool is found in a variety of cultures as early as 2500 BC.  The walking path of a labyrinth moves forward by turning equally right and left creating multiple circuits that always lead to the center.  In this simple pattern, the labyrinth captures many aspects of life-journey, rhythm, search, discovery, change, trust and our movement inward to sacred space.  
This mini-pilgrimage commemorates and celebrates the mysteries of Christ’s life.  It symbolizes the true path to eternal life, a contemplative way of following Jesus who journeyed as we do through life and death to resurrection.  Brochures with more information on walking a labyrinth are available on the Welcome Center.

Click here to see the progress of the Labyrinth being built.