Monday, February 11, 2013

The Goodness of Grace

Today was a great day! I'll admit, at this point on a trip like this, I'm a little weary. I'm tuckered out, longing for home and I want to hug my closest loved ones. But today was just what I needed - some goodness revealed in God's grace. Our morning started early with everyone ready for worship. The people on this trip have become a spiritual family to me, which has endeared me to them. Their morning greetings warmed my tired soul. 
Then we were off to Mudio Lutheran Church. At the turn off to their neighborhood we were met with a brass band in the back of a truck. They played their horns the entire trek up to the church. Once there, the band escorted us to the church grounds and we were greeted by the women of the congregation who pinned fresh flowers on us in celebration. The warm greetings only followed from there.
Worship began after time for tea. The sanctuary filled in with standing room only. The singing, chanting, praying, preaching filled my soul. The focus was being a fool for Christ, that sometimes in faith, our love for Christ and his people does not make sense to the world. But we love anyway and it changes the world.
Then there were eight baptisms, which Pastor Greg and I presided over. What joy to speak words of grace over these children and their parents! Even though there was a language barrier, the grace poured out was sufficient! Every baby smiled from ear to ear-no kidding!
Then communion...this sacrament of Jesus' presence is always meaningful to me anyway. I served with a retired pastor. "The body of Christ given for you" were the words I spoke. English or Swahili- it didn't matter, we knew God was present. Good grace given to all who came forward. Once again, God's people fed and nourished. The most touching moment was when our Tanzanian church leaders and pastors knelt down to receive the sacrament from Pastor Greg and I. And then we in turn knelt down to be served last. I will carry this moment of grace with me for a long time. 
After worship we met Edward and Margaret Munisi. They were our host home. We had a most delightful afternoon learning about them, them learning about us. Someone once told me, if you really want to get to know someone, put your feet underneath their kitchen table. We did just that and it was wonderful! 
Tomorrow we leave, saying goodbye to the people who have become fast friends. Keep us in prayer as we travel. See you all at home soon. We'll be bringing the goodness of grace with us.

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